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1095693 1628 老马 发表于 2011-10-27 08:05:18 | 置顶 |
棒海狸  初中一年级 发表于 2012-11-26 21:28:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州
请问老马老师,你父亲DC-CIK治疗在杭州哪个医院做的 ?
矗立的稻草人  小学四年级 发表于 2012-11-28 09:47:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东佛山
本帖最后由 矗立的稻草人 于 2012-11-28 09:58 编辑
4 D- ], ]$ F! s% R$ u2 k. Y0 Z
+ I# c# m# A2 X% @: ]; s  x老马:我妈做了增强CT:右中肺见一团块状,大小约为64*55mm;右侧肺门、右侧上下气管旁、食管旁见多个肿大淋巴结,最大约为24mm。+ N, Q3 {' y$ e+ {
      肝2/4,S3见2病灶,大小约23*31mm,及10*9mm,另外全肝见多个低密度灶,大小约为4-14mm。% K- Q7 @5 ~, N! f7 i
# Y0 n2 P$ [3 v' |4 ]' b0 F( n     肿瘤相关测定如下:
0 F9 E0 l! q  I& W        癌坯抗原CEA    神经元烯醇化酶NSE          肺癌抗原CYFRA21-1            人绒毛膜促性腺激-β       153糖类抗原                                & S0 w( `9 w( E; u& a
参考值        0.—5.00                 0—15.20              0.1—3.30                          0.0—3.0                                   0—25.00* e* b" [% R0 d1 h! N: ^
检查值        0.685                 15.76                        6.13                                           5.65                                       8.82
. S& u8 |6 x5 _. J4 J问题1:现在不想让我妈知道,所以倾向于吃靶向药,请问先吃那种?
' |1 R  B/ z+ |6 W问题2:我妈的CEA在正常范围且这么低,你见过类似的病例吗?
% m4 C& J) P( j6 L$ C! `7 i问题3:CYFRA21-1是6.13这个值严重吗?
走在异乡  高中一年级 发表于 2012-11-28 11:41:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 四川成都
CEA在正常范围里面很常见,我父亲的CEA 从来没有超过.cyfra-211是鳞癌的一个常用指标,有人敏感有人不敏感,超值多少不能代表严重程度,都是相对而言的,可以作为一个治疗参考指标。
老马  博士一年级 发表于 2012-12-1 13:10:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州
Study of Yili Lactoferrin ShuHua Milk in the Improvement of Human Immunization+ u$ X1 W4 R; S, B
http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT016777023 ^  a& L+ R5 [+ z
Dietary Supplement: Yili Lactoferrin ShuHua Milk (Lactoferrin 5mg/100ml)
1 U. x$ z% b. q5 j6 u6 E, c0 dTotal 250mL milk (with lactoferrin 5mg/100ml) will be taken once per day at 10am daily during the 84 days intervention.4 d2 W. x) `6 x1 k+ j$ h
Dietary Supplement: Yili Lactoferrin ShuHua Milk (Lactoferrin 10mg/100ml) # w" ?6 i1 `- }# g
Total 250mL milk (with lactoferrin 10mg/100ml) will be taken once per day at 10am daily during the 84 days intervention% d/ c: v  g- U# s% B' ?) m) F/ v! x
Dietary Supplement: Recombined low protein milk
0 d5 J8 s. w$ g3 k0 W9 r7 uTotal 250ml of placebo milk will be taken once a day at 10am daily during the 84 day intervention.
, t+ z2 ]* I4 y% }! A/ H
/ s: }$ `+ j2 U$ i  l
$ y2 s* l$ {2 r; {) Z3 A7 f7 C4 |) x$ Q- e0 Y- R
seacat  版主 发表于 2012-12-1 14:49:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东广州
英雄武松  大学四年级 发表于 2012-12-1 20:07:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 北京
我妈每天上午一盒舒化奶。舒化奶不坏肚子,其他的奶制品吃了坏肚子。/ Y4 q8 h# q; F4 k/ v1 ~' N
294170420  初中二年级 发表于 2012-12-1 21:05:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江绍兴


吃8天,停5天。  发表于 2012-12-1 23:36
老马  博士一年级 发表于 2012-12-1 23:51:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州
http://www.inspire.com/groups/na ... roper-dosage-range/" S3 g7 A% r2 Q' c  e# o/ _0 ?
Hi Ted,# Z2 O6 x2 m0 m5 Q
' B% w- U1 O! ^& M
Thank you for the links. I had not read some of them. You're always so informative.
& Z3 a" L% p" e  o  ^0 q$ h, _+ y: P  X; W& ~$ P  h1 w
Hi Tom,; \2 u" e" |$ F" o/ c( [# o* B5 ]
! U6 v9 @  ]4 z- c) v9 C. L5 D2 g
I love lactoferrin !!!4 H; f0 J) j: S1 D; R- g
) U) F( L' H5 C% q
It's the best supplement ever, for me. All the folks I've recommended to take lactoferrin are very thankful. A month ago, my friend got the flu and she was feeling worse and worse, after a couple of days from the start of symptoms (i.e. passed the 48 hours to get Tamiflu). Her hubby was taking Lactoferrin (per my suggestion to get rid of his frequent eye inflammations). They had a bottle of lactoferrin readily available. Thus, she took some lactoferrin and became all better within 2 days. She was delighted, as the flu normally stays and is miserable for a week to 10 days. This friend also tried lactoferrin a few months ago, since it works so well for her hubby's eye stye, as well as keeping him healthy when the kids come home with the cold and flu germs. However, taking lactoferrin on an empty stomach (per the direction of the Radiance Lactoferrin) gave her a tummy ache. So, she took it with food for the flu and it worked very well.
  z4 W! |9 H2 _% r1 Y. k/ I
; b+ q. R$ x) r/ dTom,
# n% p) F8 q0 @7 a
6 r. i: m* K! bI believe that it's helpful regardless whether you take it with or without food. I take it whenever it is most convenient. I take one or two capsules, depending on needs (e.g. if a Stye is coming, or my throat is feeling a little sore, or if I am flying somewhere, or even attending a big party, I would take 2 capsules.) # `2 }8 C; Q/ s$ I
% w; a+ _. y6 D* c% [. j' d8 l
A reviewer from Washington who has "been taking for years" wrote in June, 2010 (ref. iherb) said: " . . . Always take at the very beginning of anything time I am feeling like something is coming on and it stops it dead in its tracks. Everyone in my family, including 3 children, take this product and it has worked well for all. I take 2 in the morning and 2 at night if sore throat, runny nose, or achy, etc. until a day after symptoms stop which is usually only a day or two now. This is an immune boosting product that really works."
. Z9 k4 C: e$ D& S( t8 ?
2 r: C. n' K6 m7 O: m+ l) ~For the past year, I've been taking the Lactoferrin by Radiance (from New Zealand). It said: Two capsules daily, taken on an empty stomach. Each capsule contains 226mg of lactoferrin (from 250mg bovine colostrum protein extract).
, H, y1 A8 j9 {0 K' g" e
9 _8 Y2 p' ^  ~% {% P4 BI also take Jarrow's Lactoferrin 250 mg. It said: Take one capsule per day with food, or as directed by your qualified health care consultant.4 E% {$ ~! M/ U
: {8 m+ f( D% q8 X) F4 B; a% ~$ }
As for the Life Extension's Lactoferrin (which I bought month ago), it's 300 mg. Directions: Take one capsule daily, with or without food, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.
7 B$ y& t) P+ z( |" `$ y7 E. {) R, l& _! L; v
As for the bone building benefits, in case you haven't seen the review below, (ref. Amazon.com). It's rather interesting:
* _; S4 o: w2 p8 {$ e
" {: {) k( [/ PLactoferrin--A Miracle Supplement, January 9, 2010 By C. Bower (Connecticut, USA)9 e3 g: z9 N& i
$ H+ c, J8 S  i8 k9 Y+ D
" . . . One potential additional medical use for lactoferrin is to accelerate the healing of broken bones. This has not yet been studied, but it would make sense, given it's ability to increase bone growth. I have two instances of anecdotal evidence that it works. 1 )A friend was thrown from her horse and broke 9 ribs and a lumbar vertebra. Her doctor said her bone healing was "amazing," especially because she had borderline osteopenia at the time of her accident, and at 12 weeks, he said she had fully recovered. 2) My aunt (age 82) fell and broke her leg a few months ago. At her 9 week check-up, the x-rays showed that the bone healing was 2-3 weeks ahead of schedule. Both women began taking lactoferrin (250 mg/day) soon after their injuries occurred. . . ."
2 D" k6 i# T* ^, D; T- s: T6 P5 X+ N; r
Hope this helps,
4 L1 H8 L1 v+ ]; }; }
老马  博士一年级 发表于 2012-12-3 20:16:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州
本帖最后由 老马 于 2012-12-11 19:24 编辑
8 ~$ {) ]3 e0 X+ V6 s; w
! h' I5 I* u! D/ |老爸一天的起居:+ e5 ~/ r5 q% P  z: I9 z# E
' ?1 I. E+ p# \4 a( l10点吸氧半小时,边看电视。
$ T! V0 s$ |' [0 c12点半吃中饭,饭后吃卡维地洛,1点-2点午睡。
0 r. ^. t5 d5 Y; Y3点吸氧半小时,边看电视。7 x& u$ U0 g- f& A
2 \8 I& P$ C0 _$ q晚上6点吃晚饭,饭后吃Q10和辛伐他汀。* y4 ?1 ?- t: n; R" |& T: J: n
晚上7点与老妈一起用中药泡脚,半小时。# I" g% e" S3 n" q; g, \
$ c* f- f3 i0 b晚上10点半睡觉。* G* `+ o7 x4 ^- j! P* A
; W1 D- R8 S0 J泡脚中药为我老妈自配:. L8 c5 M% E! j! ^7 P$ ^( t; i
15包的分量:黄芪100克、丹参100克、红景天200克、鸡血藤100克、狗脊100克、桂枝60克$ Q8 {' u, c# h5 e( Y
9 l9 j! ?# z1 x! b! S3 d. U每包用纱布包好,冷水浸一晚,第二天晚上用砂锅煮15分钟,再倒入足浴桶里。
) w% {1 Y4 I. _* s3 ~3 W+ _, e我老爸为阴虚贫血类型。如果病人有低血压可加升麻50克。2 {: S0 G* f( s6 `) A6 p


幸福的一家子  发表于 2012-12-3 20:45
老农  小学六年级 发表于 2012-12-4 09:48:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 上海


配辛伐他丁和Q10对老年人的心血管有好处。 网上的2992不一定是盐,多数是碱。 吃8停5,是我自己弄的方案,没有依据,效果是比连续吃差的。  发表于 2012-12-4 10:47


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