freegist 发表于 2013-8-6 00:12:56


本帖最后由 freegist 于 2013-8-6 00:17 编辑

白藜芦醇等物质被认为具有抗癌,抗衰老的神奇疗效,然而这些物质在体内被迅速代谢,其血液浓度很低,保持时间很短,达不到起作用的药物浓度,使得其体外实验看到的效果无法在人体内得以体现。黑胡椒碱与白藜芦醇一起服用,可以上百倍的提高白藜芦醇在血浆中的浓度,延缓其代谢。见:Enhancing the bioavailability of resveratrol by combining it with piperine
白藜芦醇的作用:Fighting Cancer with Red Wine? Molecular Mechanisms of Resveratrol,栎皮素quercetin也可以阻止白藜芦醇的代谢,提高其血浆浓度。


elexujx 发表于 2014-3-17 11:06:24

我也在服白藜芦醇. 请教你的白藜芦醇的剂量? 以及黑胡椒碱或栎皮素的剂量? 服了后有效果吗?

恩宠与勇气 发表于 2014-12-3 22:19:00

关于白藜芦醇~As of 2014, the results of limited human clinical trials with small samples sizes of the effects of resveratrol on cancer are inconsistent. Testing of resveratrol in animal models of cancer have also shown mixed results. The strongest evidence of anticancer action of resveratrol exists for tumors it can contact directly, such as skin and gastrointestinal tract tumors. For other cancers, the evidence is uncertain, even if massive doses of resveratrol are used. Resveratrol treatment appeared to prevent the development of mammary tumors in animal models; however, it had no effect on the growth of existing tumors. Paradoxically, treatment of prepubertal mice with high doses of resveratrol enhanced formation of tumors. Injected in high doses into mice, resveratrol slowed the growth of neuroblastomas.

freegist 发表于 2015-1-11 10:54:21


freak 发表于 2015-1-11 13:15:14

白藜芦醇和黑胡椒碱 要怎么买啊0.0
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查看完整版本: 提高白藜芦醇,姜黄等抗癌物质有效性的新途径